Christopher Callaghan tagged posts

LIS B9 Robot by Christopher Callaghan for the Mike Greaney Collection

Artist Christopher Callaghan is back with another great build of the Lost in Space B9 Robot! This one is now in the collection of Mike Greaney! As you can see.. no detail was missed in this build. It is very nice indeed!


Christopher Callaghan

To contac...

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“FREEDOM” Shuttle from Armageddon by Chris Callaghan

Most everyone remembers the film Armageddon, and the reason the mission specific shuttles were built. Showing here today is a fantastic build by Chris Callaghan whom completely re-vamped the Revell kit into the beautiful miniature replica of one of the shuttles seen in that blockbuster film. Beautifully done!












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B-9 Robot ‘Revisited’ by Chris Callaghan

The B-9 Robot…everyone in my generation knows this machine from Lost in Space. Recently artist Chris Callaghan revisited a former build he did of the Robot, making it even more realistic to the full sized unit used in the series. Very well done!

Here is what Chris has to say…

I *very* recently revisited my Robot. I redid the paint job, fabricated a new chest light piece out of clear Viper canopy sprues and fixed the over-sized shoulder hooks. He’s so shiny now!

Christopher Callaghan

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

B9 robot 026

B9 robot 027

B9 robot 032

B9 robot 031

B9 robot 033

B9 robot 034

B9 robot 035

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Lost In Space ROBOT B9 by Christopher Callaghan

“DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!”  That is what I hear in my head when I see this Robot B9! Artist Chris Callaghan captures this character perfectly with flailing arms even! This is only one of many different sized in his collections of B9’s. Very nicely done!

Here is what Chris has to say…

This is my Robot from Lost In Space. A member at the RPF asked what others did to their B9’s, so since it was out, I snapped these pix:

It’s the vinyl Masudaya 15 1/2″ talking kit. I painted him up to look first season, and totally redid the claws, they were SO toy-like! I spent hours puttying, cutting, gluing, sanding, etc. The rest of the model was basically assemble & paint. I’m still amazed at how accurate the kit is overall! The ‘talk box’ it comes with is SO cheap, though.


To contact artist ...

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Revell CYLON Raider by Christopher Callaghan

Artist Christopher Callaghan is back with another fantastic build from Battlestar Galactica! This TOS Cylon Raider is beautiful. Built from the Revell/Monogram kit, this is another example of ‘off the shelf’ modeling excellence. Nicely done!

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

MyCylonRaider 001

MyCylonRaider 002

MyCylonRaider 003

MyCylonRaider 004

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SOLD!! 1:35 TOS Colonial Viper from Christopher Callaghan


Battlestar Galactica


Professionally built  from the Revell Kit,

Artist Chris Callaghan placed many hours into this piece!

$300 plus Shipping

Email Chris for Details and Shipping Costs to your area!

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

If you are looking for a beautiful display model,

and you don’t want the expense of a Studio Scale model…


There will soon be more build offerings in this scale

from various world known professional artsists!

Viper #1 done 012

Viper #1 done 014

Viper #1 done 015

Viper #1 done 016

Viper #1 done 017

Viper #1 done 019

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Galactica “Forced Perspective” Landing Bay Diorama by Christopher Callaghan

I love when artists do unique builds… and this is one of those. The term “Forced Perspective” is a term well used in the film industry as most of what we’ve viewed in past movie’s special effects. It deals with scenes that are seen close, but look as if what you see get’s further away from you. This is done with a variety of film trickery. This diorama by Chris Callaghan is fantastic in that same way…. showing us how deep the landing bay entrance is, while truly only being a few inches from the camera, and model displayed in the foreground. Chris even placed a smaller Viper in the stall next to the foreground Viper for better depth perception. Not to mention the shadow of the Viper and Crew member on the deck flooring! Nicely done!

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please cli...

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TOS Cylon Raider by Christopher Callaghan

Here is another TOS Battlestar Galactica build from artist Christopher Callaghan. Using the Revell/Monogram kit, Chris turned this build into a piece worthy of a fine collection. I very much like the blast mark on the wing. Nicely done. It should be noted that the original Monogram kit was used in the original Television Series for a forced perspective shot in a Hangar Bay scene…. making it officially a Studio Scale model, albeit much smaller than it’s regularly used studio filming model cousin we view in all other scenes.

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

diorama 020

diorama 019

Cylon Raider 003

Cylon Raider 004

Cylon Raider 001B

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1:32 Colonial Viper by Christopher Callaghan

This is a great build of the Revell Monogram Colonial Viper by artist Christopher Callaghan. What really makes this piece is his weathering on this fighter. And I just love how his snow backdrops really make the model seem to pop. I love when artists utilize natural light and backdrops for the models. Nicely done. Another point of impression is how durable this model is even when thrust into real snow! It shocked me at first to see it that way. But what a beautiful shot it made! I hope Christopher doesn’t mind, but I took the liberty of digitally removing the stand from the Viper in the first photo. I couldn’t resist finding out what it would look like skimming the snowy surface.

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

Viperfection 006A

diorama 003

Viperfection 007

Viperfection 008

Viperfection 009

Viperfection 010

Viperfection 011

Viperfection 012

Viperfection 013

Viperfection 003

Viperfection 004

Viperfection 005

Viperfection 001

Viperfection 002

Viperfection 015

diorama 004

Viperfection 014

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1:4105 Battlestar GALACTICA built by Christopher Callaghan

Today I have the pleasure of introducing another artist to this Gallery… Mr. Christopher Callaghan. His first showing is of the Monogram Re-release from Revell models and was done pretty much as so. This is a great example of how good the original offered model kit can look with a paint job and extra attention to detail placed on where originally there was none on the kit. Christopher’s choice to photograph it in the snow was quite clever as well…. and made the Battlestar look even larger than the kit truly is. I am going to enjoy showing this artists works.

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

Revellogrom build up 033

Revellogrom build up 032

Revellogrom build up 034

Revellogrom build up 036

Revellogrom build up 037

Revellogrom build up 039

Revellogrom build up 041

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