Category James Cameron

Battle Beyond the Stars “NELL” – Sculpted by Stephen Kundrat of Haunted Pen Studio


I have the great pleasure of introducing another great talent to this Gallery… artist Stephen Kundrat of Haunted Pen Studio! Commissioned by known collector, and Radio Personality Karl Southcott, Stephen did amazing work on this rare piece from James Cameron and Roger Corman’s Battle Beyond the Stars! Even though the film was thought of as a flop, this design of vessel is what everyone remembers best of that film. I even believe that Cameron may be remaking this film the way he thought it should have been made to begin with! The hero ship model “Nell” that you see here is such a rare design to find anywhere and this may be one of the few now in existence today...

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AVATAR’s CG War Vehicles

I was so impressed with AVATAR’s story, and CG effects! Director James Cameron completely had NEW technology developed (that he paid for out of his own pocket) in order to bring this amazing movie to life! And LIFE it certainly displayed in all it’s CG beauty! The fantastic Navi people were extremely well done, and even more specific to this Gallery’s interests were the CG War Vehicles used. Some of these were based on actual new technology for flight! The opposite spinning rotors sitting on top of one another within their also rotatable circled cages is especially notable since that is the latest, and fastest technology for Helo flight today...

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AVATAR – The 3D Revolution by Pop Sci Magazine Journalist John Scott Lewinski

Inside the Scene-Stealing 3-D Technology Behind

James Cameron’s



James Cameron is stubborn. He decided nearly a decade ago to film his humans-versus-aliens sci-fi adventure Avatar in 3-D, but he refused to start production until technology could convince the viewer that he or she could step through the screen and pick up a bow alongside the Na’vi, the film’s 10-foot-tall, blue, cat-faced alien protagonists.

To give scenes realistic depth, Cameron, who brought a computer-generated liquid-metal T-1000 to life in Terminator 2, and camera whizzes Vince Pace and Patrick Campbell built the Pace/Cameron Fusion Camera System to capture images the same way as a human eye does...

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