Originally shown on MMM back on January 2, 2009 , this piece began it’s life in 2005-2006, photographed by me in 2007, and was sold to the Hector Rosales Collection in December of 2011. I thought this was a good one to show to all of our more recent viewers whom may have missed it back then.
This piece began as a cast from the original Star Trek TNG model patterns given to artist Richard Long to clean up for casting. The shop that sent it to Richard agreed to allow him to cast what he cleaned up, then sell a build to me (Kurt Kuhn) in order to get Richard paid for the venture of doing so instead of incurring that cost themselves. What is extra memorable about this is that I actually made this deal with Richard while I was at the Vatican with my family on a business trip in which we were able to see the Pope, and even be blessed by him that day. It is funny how we remember things we acquire. Richard did a magnificent job in his fix of the original in order to cast and build this magnificent piece. I am grateful to Richard, and the shop that began this venture.
Before this piece went into the Hector Rosales Collection, I had artist Ernie Gee of G-Factor Models to look it over and touch it up wherever needed. By that time, this piece had been on display for a few years, and as any museum Curator will tell you, that in itself sometimes has a fading effect. I wanted this to be perfect for Hector’s Collection. I am happy to report that as it came back from Ernie to be shipped to Hector, it looked like it did the day I initially received it! He is an excellent, world-class artist. Thank you Ernie.
You may have questioned the title of this…. “Cast 1”. I stated that because this was the first cast taken off the original that we know of. In fact, in late 2015 I was able to acquire another cast from that same original batch of castings, which I will eventually show here again as “Cast 2”. That cast will be built up and finished by artist Dan Grumeretz. These Marauders are very rare at this time, but who knows what may emerge in the future. Hector has a ‘gem’ with this one!
Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global, Inc.
Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic
This piece has a 2016 Modeler Magic estimated value of $20,000 USD
Above Photo: Kurt Kuhn with the Studio Scale Ferengi Marauder
Kurt Kuhn
The Collection of Hector Rosales
Richard Long
G-Factor produces after-market accessories for scale modeling, as well as CAD and 3D printing services.
Ernie Gee
California, USA
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