After months creating his first scratch build, highly detailed and based of off Ansel Hsiao’s design, this piece has finally come to life! Nicely done!
Here is what Steve has to say…
“About 6 months ago I encountered Ansel Hsiao’s BELLATOR CLASS STAR BATTLECRUISER.
I was enthralled. I knew I had to build it, even though I had never scratch built anything ever before and that I also have Chronic Pain and Fatigue syndrome. It did not matter. it took 6 seeks to get enough money together and plan out a strategy. Pretty much my plan was to I carve styrene until I got my Bellator.
I believe it has 4500-5000 individual pieces.
After 4 months and 500 or so hours I finished my Star destroyer model! I thought this was something impossible for me to do. I taught myself and did it 99% scratch made. I cut, sawed. shaped, carved, sanded then painted every bit from beginning to end. I used a layering of a light blue for base, then multiple grays and other colors for the ship tiles. Then I lightly dusted it with Tamiya lg Grey and Tamiya Silver Titanium. I am very, very happy. I proved that despite whatever challenges lay before me that with enough patience and determination I can accomplish what I want! now I am going to go into a coma…goodnight…tell me when its March…”
Steve Blanes