This model of the fictional starship Enterprise was used in the weekly hour-long “Star Trek” TV show (NBC-TV), which aired from September 1966 until June 1969...
Read MoreCategory Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum
After donating the Studio Scale Motion Picture Enterprise REFIT Replica to The Museum of Science Fiction this past May 24-26 at Escape Velocity, and while we were in the Washington DC area, my wife Me...
Read MoreOur thanks to Mike Makkreel for keeping us updated, and to the crew of the Air & Space Museum for a fine job!
The article can be accessed by clicking on the Smithsonian Banner that is just below the...
Read MoreThank you to Mike Makkreel, and Trek Core for both keeping us in the loop, and covering these great event. The USS Enterprise is now restored to her full glory. I cannot wait to visit her again!
Read MoreLinks provided by Mike Makkreel, TREKCORE is doing wonderful work restoring the Enterprise. One video is shot and offered by artist Lou Dalmaso!
Read MoreHere is a letter...
Artist Mike Makkreel has been keeping a close eye on this project that some of our shown artists are helping restore...
Read MoreEveryone already knows about this great restoration in progress. Artist Mike Makkreel sent me this link to the TREK CORE Video, and I thought it was a great thing for all to view...
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