We are proud to announce the pre-order of our incredible TIE Fighter FX Model. The pre-order period is Monday, October 18, 2010 at 9AM, PDST through November 7, 2010, 11:59 PM PST. Once again, the edition size will be determined by the pre-order, but will not exceed 1000 pieces worldwide.
The price is US$999 plus shipping and Handling, California state sales tax, if applicable, and duties and taxed levied by the destination country, if are one of our international customers. There is a $350 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit required at the time you place your pre-order.
We will also offer a 4 payment lay-away plan.
Payment 1: $350 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit at pre-order
Payment 2: $225 when the TIE Fighter is in stock and ready to ship, anticipated Q1-2011
Payment 3: $225 approximately 30 days later
Payment 4: $199* approximately 30 days later *Plus shipping and Handling, California state sales tax, if applicable.
There will be a cancellation fee in addition to the NON-REFUNDABLE $350 deposit if you decide to cancel your order. Please see the Terms and Conditions for details of the cancellation fees.
In order to produce the most accurate replica of this iconic ship, a number of different reference resources were used. More than 90% of the model kit parts that were used on the original model were identified. A digital scan of a TIE Fighter model in the Lucasfilm archives, was used to map the parts, verify the dimensions and scratch build the model kit parts that either could not be found or identified. An original TIE Fighter that is known to have been used in the filming of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope was used to match the correct colors.
– Edition Size will be determined by the Pre-Order. Not to exceed 1000 pieces worldwide
– First shipment anticipated Q1-2011
– Measures approximately 13-3/4″ Wide X 14-/18 Deep X 17-3/4″ Tall
– Scanned from an original model
– Screen accurate screen colors
– High quality resin, injection molded ABS and machined metal construction
– LED lighting effects
– Numbered plaque
– Museum quality rectangular base
– Prop Story/Certificate of Authenticity
Deploying throughout the galaxy from the hangars of the Galactic Empire’s awesome fleet of Star Destroyers and the dreaded Death Star, are the standard starfighters of the Imperial arsenal, the Thermal Ion Engine crafts, known as the TIE Fighters.
These small, one-man, short range ships are fast and maneuverable, but lacked a hyperdrive and thus had to be deployed from hangars and launch bases. They had two fire-linked laser cannons, mounted on the ball shaped cockpit.
Industrial Light and Magic’s (ILM) Colin Cantwell created the concept model with the iconic ball shaped cockpit and hexagonal wings.
The combat scenes were meant to be reminiscent of World War II dogfight footage, and the film editors used actual World War II air combat footage for the filming of the special effects.
Our new TIE Fighter FX Model will be a “most impressive” addition to your Star Wars collection. It is also the perfect “companion” to our X-wing starfighter, Red 5, to recreate the exciting Death Star trench run in the climactic Battle of Yavin.
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