Laying in wait above the planet of Tatooine, Princess Liea Organa’s Tantive sits in the glow of the desert planet awaiting signal from an old friend of the once proud Republic.
To view this composite in it’s full size, please click on it…
Using the photos of R.L. Bleecker‘s build (Scene HERE) of the fantastic kit from Randy Cooper (Scene HERE), master artist Peter Noble once again show his skills in bringing these models to life through compsoite!
For inquires, and to PURCHASE this Randy Cooper kit, please click the banner link below…
This kit is lightable!! You can purchase a light kit through VooDooFX by clicking the banner below:
Need a CUSTOM Plaque for your New Piece? Contact Kevin Hinson with inquiry into making your own custom plaque, or have some created for you, please click his banner link below…