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KIT ALERT! 1:72 STEALTH EDI-UCAV from Fantastic Plastic

Kit Alert
EDI-UCAV from “Stealth”
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:72
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 24
Price: $98
Shipping: $6.50 USA | $12 International (Approx)
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
PayPal Address:

The EDI (Extreme Deep Invader) UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) was developed as an adjunct to the FA-37 Talon program. A “next generation” combat aircraft, it has an artificial intelligence system that allows it to operate without a human controller. So advanced are its sensors that it can identify a human target by fingerprints, voice print or facial recognition.

The EDI has V/STOL capabilities, which makes it perfect for carrier operations...

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