Maschinen Krieger tagged posts

Maschinen Krieger Tornado – Winter Version by Jason Eaton

Another fantastic Ma.K. build by industry famed artist Jason Eaton. Jason’s attention to fine details of these pieces is amazing! I would very much like to show more in this category. Fantastic work by Jason!

Here is what Jason has to say of this build…

This is the 1/20th scale Rainbow Egg kit of the Tornado, Designed by Kow Yokoyama, as seen in the mid 1980s in SF3D articles published by Hobby Japan. Made from resin, wires, and tubing, the Tornado is a funky design, not often seen in Maschinen Krieger collections. This was a lot of fun to make, as I modified it to be a “Winter version” of the Tornado!

Instead of the original gun, I have placed two missile tubes on the chassis, and added a “bump out” behind the pilot’s seat...

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Panzerkampfjagdflugzeug Pkf.85 Falke painted by Stefan Böttcher

Stefan Böttcher is back with this outstanding painting of a Ma. K. Falke! I love the coloring Stefan utilizes of his pallet. It adds so much in depth, making his painting rather excited to view!

Here is what Stefan has to say…

The painting shows a “Panzerkampfjagdflugzeug Pkf.85 Falke” or just FALKE (meaning falcon in English), a design from Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000 by Kow Yokoyama. I am not really that deep into the story of Maschinen Krieger, but here is a very good article about its origins and whats going on:

Thank you so much for your interest and ongoing support!

Have a nice day!


To view this piece in it’s large size, please click directly on it…


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1:20 Maschinen Krieger Tornado by Jason Eaton

This is a subject we are going to be showing MUCH more on…. Maschinen Krieger modeling! One of the best artists in this category is Jason Eaton. His work absolutely captures the essence of the entire category! It is unique and believable down to the last rivet and bolt Jason places on his builds! They are that detailed! As is usual… beautiful work from this famed artist! We are greatly honored to be able to show his works here on Modeler Magic.

This is what artist Jason Eaton has to say of this great build…

This is the 1/20th scale Rainbow Egg kit of the Tornado, Designed by Kow Yokoyama, as seen in the mid 1980s in SF3D articles published by Hobby Japan. Made from resin, wires, and tubing, the Tornado is a funky design, not often seen in Maschinen Krieger collections...

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