Category Italeri

Jim Lewis – GUNTRUCK Studios – 1971 Armored Vietnam Convoy Escort: Eve of Destruction

This piece was originally shown here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic back on January 24, 2009 and now updated to today’s showing standard!

Eve of Destruction is one of the best-known of the Vietnam era gun trucks – and she is the only one that was returned intact from Vietnam after the war. The others were scrapped or converted back to standard cargo trucks if still serviceable. Eve is on display at the US Army’s Transportation Museum in Fort Eustis, VA.

Eve was built on two 5-ton truck chassis, and is probably the most challenging because you can actually walk up to the truck and touch it. There are no M54 5-ton truck model kits in 1:35 (at least for the last 16 years I’ve been modeling them) scale for you to use in conversion efforts – so you’ve gotta do it yourself...

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David Greaves – “Long Day in the Saddle”

During this LOCKDOWN we are in, I have been stuck in England,.. and I live in China, so it’s been a real challenge in painting anything since I don’t have an airbrush here,.. so I have had to use rattle cans, primer, base coat and matte varnish. All the other painting has been done with brushes and sponges, getting the effects that I wanted did take some experimentation but I’m pretty happy with the results.

The bike and sidecar is the Italeri 1/9th scale BMW, the figure is from an English company Reedees Miniatures. The BMW is not a great kit, there’s a huge amount of cleaning up to do and gaps that need careful filling but once done it’s good, with plenty of detail.
The figure on the other hand is superb, it’s not easy to find anything in 1/9th scale but this guy makes a small but excell...

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Charles King’s AMAZING 1:24 Truck Dock Diorama

Very Impressive work by artist Charles King! The fine details & realism is astounding!

“The building, tarmac, and majority of the small details were scratch built. The trailer is from Italeri. I added scratch built details to it at the front. The forklift is a Dinky toy, which I striped and added all the details you see and repainted it and weathered it.”

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1:12 Italeri’s (Protar Molds) Fiat 806 Grand Prix by Warren Zoell

Stunning….. I love these old racers.


To visit The Great Canadian Model Builder’s site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact Warren Zoell direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Warren Zoell



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s M...

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Italeri’s (Protar molds) 1:12 Fiat Mefistofele by Warren Zoell

This is beautiful work! Warren’s realism in his modeling astounds me!

Here are some images of Italeri’s (Protar molds?) 1/12 scale Fiat Mefistofele.
When researching this model on the ole interweb, I discovered that pretty much anyone who had built this kit always did it in the shiny clean fully restored variation. For me building this kit in the clean restored variety didn’t match the character of the car. so I decided to do this kit with a slightly weathered and more used look of which to me is somehow more fitting for this vehicle. Like it was canvased for a couple of years.









To visit The Great Canadian Model Builder’s site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact Warren Zoell direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Warren Zoell


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