Building the Dream: Kuhn Global’s Star Trek The Motion Picture USS Enterprise Refit Replica

There is so much content on this that we have to show everyone. Sadly, I don’y believe I could ever show how much truly went into building this USS Enterprise REFIT Replica from Star Trek The Motion Picture. What I do have to show that everyone may view, I have decided to keep on one site. Appropriately so, the honor goes to my Kuhn Global Site. There it shall remain for all to view as they wish to do so. It is our our hope that these photos may assist in other builds that will be done by many… possibly even you. With the Kuhn Global Site still being worked on to show content the way we wish it shown, below is Photo that when clicked on shall take you to the posting of the Enterprise Build on my Kuhn Global Site. As old as the Kuhn Global site is now, I have not taken proper time to show all we have accomplished there… and now I shall do so. With that in mind, it needs some work. As Disney states in their parks while being upgraded, “Please pardon our dust”… as the site is still under construction.
All of that stated… I do hope you all enjoy this build when you view it. Dan Grumeretz is the man of the hour on this piece. He brought it to life. I also want to thank George Takacs of TimeSlip Creations. For his vision, and efforts that started this journey,.. and his created parts that made it come true. In addition there are a number of people to thank that shall all be mentioned on the Kuhn Global showing of this build.

Please click on any image on this page to be taken to the Kuhn Global Site to view
the FULL Build of the USS Enterprise Refit Replica.

BELOW are a few photos that show very little to be honest…. LOL.
HUNDREDS MORE of the more important build photos are available to be seen on my Kuhn Global Site.
Click on any photo to view them ALL.


Kurt Kuhn




Dan Grumeretz




George Takacs




Daniel Beck



Dustin Ashton


Marc Elkins




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