1:4105 MOEBIUS Galactica by Eric Duchin

Another great build of the MOEBIUS Galactica! This time by known artist Eric Duchin! We have shown his fantastic works before and this is an excellent addition to his list. Using the armor decals from Acreation Models, this build is simply beautiful!

Words taken directly from the professional modeling board Resin Illuminati, here is what Eric had top say…

This is the Moebius Galactica kit that many people have been building. I picked it up a few weeks ago at my LHS. I “yoinked” it off the shelf so quick I’m sure there was a sonic boom. The owner of the store said he had just gotten it in the day prior, so lucky me!

I didn’t build it with lights or electronics or anything, but I did order ACREATION MODELS AMAZING armor decals. This was the first product I got from them, and man oh man. . . totally worth every cent!

I watched Keith Sullivan’s build up and read his description of using black liquid shoe polish as a wash. I thought I would give it a try on my build, and it worked great! What an easy technique! I felt I wanted a bit more contrast between the ribbed sections and the armor panels, so I began by painting a darker basecoat. I used Tamiya German Gray overall. To ease with painting and decals, I left everything in subassemblies: main fuselage, head, flight pods, and engines.
Before starting any painting, I added a bunch of tiny styrene chips in between the ribs all over the ship. I wanted to give a sense of some more detail in those areas.

After the base coat of German Gray, I used Keith Sullivan’s shoe polish method and it really brought out the details nicely! It also somehow gave the paint a vaguely metallic sheen, something that was an unexpected bonus.

When the Acreation Models decals arrived, I used one of the smaller ones that go on the belly as a test to see the level of contrast. It didn’t give as much variance as I wanted, so I broke out a small chisel brush and some Polly Scale CSX gray and hand painted all the armor areas. Basically every place that would receive a decal got painted a lighter gray. Then the contrast between ribs and armor was more to my liking.

After a few sessions of decaling (probably close to 8 hours total) I glued all the sub-assemblies together and gave the ship a clear matte coat. It really tied everything together once the shiny decals were dulled down.

I’m really happy with the way the Big G turned out. It’s a nicely engineered kit, and I’m so glad Acreation took on the task of designing some aftermarket goodness.

Thanks for reading.

To contact Eric Duchin direct, please click HERE.

To purchase this kit, please click on the MOEBIUS banner below…












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