Artist Time Nolan is noted for his amazing, and unique works with their finished and final displays! This Galileo absolutely shares that amazing praise! I love this idea!
Finished the Galileo. I nicknamed this build “polishing the turd”! It’s a shame the kit is so incorrect, but there is a certain nostalgia about these vintage kits that makes them enjoyable to build. I did a large amount of modifications to it, and was fairly pleased with the results. I had originally planned on making it one part of a large diorama build, but with things the way they are decided to make it a stand alone build to be affordable for some collector. It is currently listed on ebay and getting a fair amount of interest. Enjoy the photos! Tim
PS: You can view videos of it here: https://ratdaddystudios.smugmug.com/Art/Star-Trek-Galileo-shuttle/26657812_86BJTW#!i=2354360149&k=bFHf7SH