Soon after the original EDI had destroyed itself, and the superiority of the new FA-37 Talons were demonstrated, it was decided that more Talon’s would be made… along with another, less complicated version of the EDI to always fly along side them for ultra dangerous mission capability. Flying well past mach 1, Marine Captain Belic unleashes the power of his new beast… a newly off the line Talon with his name on the side. Following close on his 5 o’clock was the new EDI. Taking it down to the hard deck, and pushing his throttle forward, the captain notices the EDI is following without even the slightest issue. “Let’s see how this mechanical beast does over the ocean?” He thinks to himself… pushing his throttle even further forward…. “No machine is going to out-fly me!”.
To view the photos used of this beautiful build from Petar Belic of Studio Starforge models, click HERE. I also used a CG background for the water, and a screen capture of the EDI to produce this scene.
To view this piece in it’s full size, please click directly on it…
To contact artist Petar Belic direct, please click HERE. To visit Studio Starforge, the site, please click the banner below…
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