KIT ALERT!! 1:72 North American X-15D from Fantastic Plastic
April 7, 2011
Posted in Aircraft Kits, Aircraft Selections, BLAP! Models, Fantastic Plastic, JBOT - Jim Botaitis, Military Kits, Military Selections, Real Space Kits, Real Space Selections, Scott Lowther
North American X-15D
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:72
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 21
Price: $80
Shipping: $10 USA | $18 International
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
PayPal Address:
Length: 12 inches (30.48 cm)
Pattern by Scott Lowther
Casting by BLAP! Models
Decals by JBOT
Kit URL:
Kit Description: The X-15 rocket-powered spaceplane was arguably the most important — and famous — X-plane of the Cold War Era. Prior to the X-15 program’s abrupt cancellation in 1968, the Air Force was drafting ambitious plans for the aircraft, including a “next generation” X-15-D that would test the limits of hypersonic flight (Mach 5+) using an exotic new hydrogen-fueled scramjet engine.
Unfortunately, the X-15-D never made it past the drawing board. Had the program been allowed to continue, the X-15-D would have no doubt added further luster to the X-15’s sterling legacy.

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