Mega Scale AT-AT built by Marc Elkins from the Michael Plante Collection

Originally one of two built by Marc Elkins for Modeler Magic/Kuhn Global and Marc himself… this second build went into the major collection Michael Plante after he visited Marc! He did what we all do when viewing something in person like this…. first drooled, then made an offer that the artist will accept to make it our own! The collecting world is often expensive, but well worth it if the pieces are as great as Marc made these mega scale AT-AT’s. Standing as tall as a large Great Dane canine, one could almost place a child on this model to ride! Getting back to our description… and now that this beast is well safely settled at Michael’s home, he was able to get some quality photos to us to show. When Marc first built our two,… he decided that the lighting may be a bit too much to complete timely with everything that these kits delivered. However, when Michael stepped into the picture… he really wanted that lighting… and thus Marc kindly changed the both of our displays to be fully lit to resemble those in both The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi! These are truly masterpieces by Marc to be shown to the world… and so they shall be! Thank you Marc for enhancing these builds with amazing lighting… and thank you Michael for suggesting so… as well as allowing us to show this piece today!
Also shown in these photos is a Hasbro toy conversion of the AT-ST by Richard Long… one of two that Michael owns. The other will be shown soon… which was converted by Marc Elkins as well! The great thing about the toys.. and even the Code 3 that is displayed in y own collection… is that they are to scale with these Mega Scaled beasts!

View the early builds by clicking HERE









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