I have the pleasure of introducing another great talent to our Gallery…. artist Jeff Goldsack! Showing today is his fantastic build of the TNG Enterprise D! Most excellent work! He even got the ‘static’, unlit nacelle grills to be gold! Beautiful!
Here is my recently completed Enterprise D. It is based on the “Generations”. I have made a few personal modifications and changes for my own tastes. It was build using the clear 1/1400 re-released from Round2/AMT. It has been modified using aftermarket photoetch parts, replacement resin pieces (notably the neck and the additions to the rear of the nacelles), to make it more accurate to the 6′ filming model. This build took me exactly 13 months, off and on.
The aztec pattern was airbrushed using custom made masks using 4 colors, 3 different shades of blue and a light gray base color. The pattern itself was based on the aztec found on the studio model, combined with the kits aztec decals to provide the main pattern base.
It is fully lit with accurate positional lights, strobes, warp engines, main impulse engine and deflector dish. I tried to make as many of the windows lit in the same positions as seen on screen, using various screencaps and other resources.
This build was intended from the beginning to not be a perfect match the the studio model, rather an interpretation of the ship over the course of the show and movie, as well as a test for myself to see if I could do it, as this was the most complicated model I have done (mostly due to the paint).
I hope you enjoy!
Jeff Goldsack
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