“System Failure! Hostile Takeover” Diorama by Michael Bilbrey

This beautiful piece is not only fantastically done, but highly sexy as well without a complete reveal of the flesh beneath. Master modeler Michael Bilbrey again captures a moment of horror with his us of color and expression. Even without here eyes showing, you can see the pain she is enduring! Beautiful work by professional artist Michael Bilbrey!

Here are a few words from this great artist regarding this piece…

Sculpted by Marcus Deleo in 1/6 scale and produced by Zotz. I extended the base by approx. 8 inches and added the fluid chamber, computer screens, pump, etc from stuff I had in my junk drawer such as guts from nasal inhalers,  plastic cover from a tampax container, an old C.P.A.C. breathing apparatus mask and took photos downloaded from Photo Shop to place in the monitor screens. The computer keyboard came from a Barbie accessories pack. My take on this is based on a Matrix type theme where the virtual machine is taking over control of the victims mind in the virtual matrix represented on the main screen with the smaller monitors showing brain, heart, respiratory levels etc. I really fun kit to build with a lot of detail in the sculpt.

Michael Bilbrey

A- Hostile Takeover 016 [1024x768]

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