Many have asked what has happened to the great model makers who worked on the many, MANY blockbuster films in the past 40 -50 years. Those artists of whom worked behind the scenes to make fantasy a reality for us all! Many of them went on to create their own companies, like this one… WHITE ROOM ARTIFACTS, LLC. This FX house is owned and run by former Industrial Light and Magic artists… Don and Anna Bies! Not to mention some of the other world famed artists that are there with them… Steve Gawley, Lorne Peterson, Nelson Hall and Charlie Bailey! In this art form and industry, these names are huge! Today, Don gave Modeler Magic permission to show selected works from this fantastic new FX house. We are highly honored to do so!
To visit the site of White Room Artifacts,
Please click their banner link below…
To visit the White Room Artifacts FACEBOOK page,
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Here is information about WRA as taken directly from their page…
White Room Artifacts, LLC was established by former ILM model makers Don and Anna Bies for the specific purpose of designing and building traveling exhibitions, high fidelity artifacts and multimedia components.
Crucial to its success is the team of highly experienced artists and technicians, some of whom comprised the original model shop at ILM since 1975. The remainder of the team have worked at ILM for over twenty years, including working for Kerner Optical when it was established in 2006.
Collectively, they have been responsible for many of the Academy Award winning visual effects of the biggest blockbusters in the last three decades, including STAR WARS, INDIANA JONES, STAR TREK, BACK TO THE FUTURE, MATRIX, and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN film series.
Check out the White Room Artifacts site Today!!