Marvin Stiefelhagen
Star Wars: The Empire Strives Back
Studio Scale
$2,500 USD
Plus Shipping
A Star Destroyer moves through space, releasing Imperial probe robots from its underside.
One of these probes zooms toward the planet Hoth and lands on its ice-covered surface. An explosion marks the point of impact.
This is a set of Studio Scale replicas of the two Imperial Probe Droid dispatch pod models that can be seen rocketing out of the Star Destroyer’s bay in the opening scene of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. The original props were made by Pat McClung towards the end of production of the Empire Strikes Back.
Just like the original, these replicas are based on the bodies of the Tamiya Schwerer Panzerspahwagen (8rad) Sdkfz 232 and the Tamiya Sd.kfz 223 Leichter Panzerspahwagen kits and were constructed almost completely from the same styrene model kit donors as the originals. Mounted on clean matt black laser edged acrylic display bases, they will make a fine addition to any serious Star Wars collection.
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Marvin Stiefelhagen
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