1/10 Jedi Starfighter Kit!
(Pricing is Subject to Change by Kit Seller)
$1,100 USD
Plus Shipping
Kit Scale: 1/10 at approximately 22” long x 18” wide
Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location
Shipping: Please Email me for Restrictions
Kit Availability: Made to Order (Limited Number Release)
Payment Methods Accepted: (Modeler Magic Always Recommends Using PAYPAL, eBay or MERCARI for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)
Kit Description: 1/10 Scale Jedi Starfighter from Revenge of the Sith!!! This kit is huge!! The castings are from the same molds used at TWO major theme parks here in the USA! All parts a pressure cast and bubble free! The kit includes Anakin Skywalker… (I will be offering an Obi-Wan figure). When finished this builds to be approximately 22” long x 18” wide. The R2 can be fully lit! Designed by industry 3D artist Mike Reis, this R2 is a work of art by itself! We are only offering 10 of these Starfighters (10 X Obiwans’ and 10 X Anakin’s), then the molds will go back into storage. These will be cast by the Master himself, Mike Salzo!!! With that knowledge, you know the quality will be there, and 100% delivery reliability!! These are made to order so it will be first come first served.
Steve Neisen
NICE-N Models Designs
To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.
The model shown below was built and painted by famed artist John Sabean!
…The Kit and Build…
Steve Neisen
John Sabean
Mike Reis
Mike Salzo
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