Our resident Lego expert has returned with this amazing build of the 1978 Cylon Base Ship! I am not sure what to say about this piece other than it leaves me speechless with it’s magnificence!
Here is what Garry King has to say of this fantastic build…
===1978 CYLON BASESHIP=== ….
DIMENSIONS… 1055mm diameter x 700mm high not including the stand, 22.7kg …..of Lego
OR …41 inches diameter X 27.55 inches high not including the stand.
Weight 50.04Lbs of Lego
Parts count …. 23696
This creation took me 4 months to complete mainly due to insufficient parts and waiting for them to arrive but I still had a lot of problem solving to do for the model.
Apart from the early 1978 series of BSG. I wanted a base ship to go with the Galactica I built from card, 3 attempts later I built a 24” card Baseship. Sadly it was destroyed last year, poor condition and falling apart I gave it an honourable passing. I can always build a better one I said to myself …….. I did not think at the time it would be out of Lego. This creation did not last very long after completion as the base it was on was distorting under the weight of 50 Lbs concentrated on slender supports. Unable to carry it or move it out of the room ( door was smaller than 32” standard door) posed some photographic challenges. I also learnt a lot from all the angles curves of this mighty Baseship.
No Blueprints, sketches were used I used my commercial models and internet images as a guide