Studio Accurate Colonial Viper
In Kit Form, or Fully Built-Up
*E-Mail Address: robackmodels@gmail.com
*Kit Producer: ROBACK Models
*Kit Scale: 1:32
*Kit Materials: Resin
*Kit Price: U$ 150.00 Resin Kit plus Stand… OR U$ 300.00 Painted Kit with Stand.
*Shipping Amount: Please Contact.
*Kit Availability Date: Now
*Payment Methods: Please Contact
*PayPal E-Mail Address: robackmodels@gmail.com
*Kit Description: If you have ever wanted a studio scale kit, but could not afford the expense, then this is the kit for you! Slightly smaller than studio scale, the kit is accurate to the studio filming models, and in scale with the Revell/Monogram Vipers that have been in production for decades now...
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