Light Tactical Vehical (LTV) by German Impache

What can I say about this new piece from master sci-fi modeler German Impache…. except that it is amazing! Mr. Impache never ceases to impress me with his fantastic creativeness of design. The overall design is beautiful with a drop-cown cockpit for pilot entry. Another impressive piece from Turin, Italy’s own German Impache of MODELMACHE!

Here is what German Impache has to say regarding this great piece…

This is my concept of 1990 for the construction of a light vehicle to be used as a reconnaissance scout
Its uniqueness’ is not to have the  landing gear, but a pier for docking. This model is constructed from cardboard and plastic pieces. The scale is 1/48 …. 250 mm.

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To inquire into German Impache‘s professional services, please click on his banner below…

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