Lee Ralph – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – 14″ Y-Wing!!

I finally got around to painting the Return of the Jedi 14″ Y wing model. This has been a very long project for such a tiny model, but seeing paint upon them made it so worth the effort.
The Model is again finished in Archive-X enamels, sublime paints accurately replicating all the wonderful hues ILM used back in the day.

For this model, a Reefer White base was applied over the entire model. From here the masked markings were applied, using M55 Light Blue, and I ended up making a bit of a discovery on the Yellow.
For some time now, it was common knowledge that Reefer Yellow was used on these models, which is fact untrue for at least three of the larger ANH miniatures and this specific smaller ROTJ model.
SP Amor yellow was the hues tested and finally used, and seems to do exactly what I wanted it to, rather than the faint “lemon”of Reefer almost vanishing against the white base.
Various passes of SP light and dark grey were used to emulate the airbrush applied washes in the hull and engines, which were then heavily in Grime, and also Foundation.
The end result was very pleasing to the eye, and I hope I can convey how she looks as best I can in the images I have taken.
I’m currently getting ready to paint a more custom variation on the basis of this smaller Y wing, but this time based upon a Gold leader livery, which I though would be a nice bit of fun. Stay tuned for more.

Best Regards…
Lee Ralph
FX Model Miniatures

—The Final Model—

—The Unpainted Model—


Lee Ralph



FX Model Miniatures



United Kingdom




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