1:240 (100 Inches!!) The Gemini Freighter Stardrive Section – LEGO Build by Garry King


The Gemini Freighter Stardrive section

As I was dismantling the Gemini Freighter, I began to see a better aspect of the freighter not just as a Battlestar Galactica model that was used in the 1978 series, I saw a new way to show off this model in a way not seen before.

In the model in the series the center core was just a tube running the length of the ship, “BORING” .

My apologies to the designers for the comment.

In my case it was a critical part of the model so after ripping off the attached pod components I rebuilt the centre core and added heaps more detail.

If you are a stickler for exact detail you will find the front section went through a slight rebuild to as it fell apart onto the floor in many small sections. A few words were muttered at the time it happened, didn’t matter it had to be rebuilt anyway after the fall.

Really was a sneak attack by the Cylons just ensuring it got destroyed again. That was the ultimate fate of this starship.

In adding more detail the landing pad section seemed a little weird so I added the columns to the underside attaching it to the main hull.

The massive arms have been retracted upwards to the rest position so when the cargo pods are set into place they lower clamping them together with the aid of super powerful electromagnets locking them into position.

All as we know this is just a flight of fancy with the fun of the almighty imagination.


SCALE 1 : 240

LENGTH ……. 2540MM ………. . 317 STUDS .…….. .. 100 INCHES

WIDTH ……… 555MM ……….. 70 STUDS ……….. 21.85 INCHES

HEIGHT …… 340MM ……….. 42 STUDS ………… 13.38 INCHES

Garry King

LEGO & Model Miniatures

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