I have the great honor of introducing to this gallery a very talented artist…. Master Miniaturist Maddie Chambers!
I was notified that there was a fantastic miniature recreation of LOTR’s Bag End on the internet, and upon receiving a link, I went to the site straight away. Needless to say, as with everyone who has viewed it, my jaw dropped! With nearly 720 hours devoted to this piece, it is a masterpiece of the finest, and most detailed work I have had the pleasure of viewing. Master miniaturist Maddie Chambers has some serious talent that I hope to show more of on this Gallery site… and hopefully in the physical Gallery upon it’s opening as well. We are honored, and thankful to be able to show her works!
To view MORE of Maddie Chambers work on this Bag End miniature… including the build itself, please click on the banner below.